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School Attendance Orders

School Attendance Orders are issued to parents of children who are outside the school system when the local authority has reason to believe that children are not receiving a suitable education.

also tagged as

school attendance order
absence from school
school attendance punctuality

School Attendance Orders

If your child is of statutory school age and has not attended school regularly then you may be initially approached by the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) from the Local Education Authority.  If you are providing your child with a suitable education at home via Elective Home Education, then it is advisable to share information with the Local Authority to prove that your child is indeed in receipt of a suitable education.  If the Local Authority agrees that the provision you are providing is suitable, then no further action will be taken.

Government Guidelines on Home Education state: ‘A school attendance order should be served after all reasonable steps have been taken to try to resolve the situation.’ It is quite rare for a Local Authority to issue a School Attendance Order.

There are several stages in the process, and I therefore advise that you contact me immediately if you are approached by the Local Authority about your child's non-attendance at school, or them being frequently arriving late at school.

Failure to take early action could result in you having to attend a court hearing and being subject to a fine if you lose your case.  It is far better to seek advice early as often, once provided with suitable additional information, the Local Authority will decide not to pursue a School Attendance Order in the Courts.


A highly professional & personalised service at an affordable price

We pride ourselves on providing clear information about our costs to our clients, and offer a range of fixed price services, tailored to meet your individual needs.

Tribunal Contract 'A'

£ 2,500
plus 5 monthly payments of £2,000
  • Appeal the refusal to undertake an EHCNA / issue an IDP

  • First Tier Tribunal Appeals

  • Education Tribunal Wales Appeals

  • Appeal the refusal to issue an EHCP.

Most popular


£ 1,250
Single payment
  • Up to 5 hours

  • School Admissions

  • Fixed-Term & Permanent Exclusions

  • Bullying at School

  • EHCP / IDP Health Check

Tribunal Contract 'B'

£ 2,500
plus 8 monthly payments of £1,718
  • Appeal against contents of an EHCP – Sections B, F, & I

  • Including extended appeals against Health and Social Care

  • Disability Discrimination Appeals

  • Appeals against IDP (Wales)

Transparent, open pricing

All tiers include 15 mins free advice to ascertain your best option and kick-start you toward a successful outcome.

Intermediate Contract

Providing legal advice for Annual Reviews, assisting with parental representations, preparing and revising EHCPs/IDPs, and representing clients through virtual meetings and phone calls.

What's included

  • 10 hours of advice, with reasonable overrun.

  • Legal advice in relation to Annual Reviews.

  • Parental Representations and preparation and re-writing of EHCP/IDP.

  • Representation via virtual meetings & phone calls.
