Bullying at School Legal Advice

Bullying at School Legal Advice

Do not let your child suffer in silence, as many children who are bullied at school often do not report it to parents, friends or teachers.  If you are aware that your child is being bullied at school, keep a diary of incidents and report the matter immediately to the school if you are concerned that this is not an isolated incident.

Court of Protection Deputy

Court of Protection Deputy

Becoming a Deputy in the Court of Protection over both finance, health and welfare, gives parents the same rights after the young person reaches age 18, as they had prior to the person becoming 18, in order to manage their affairs.

Disability Discrimination at School or University

Disability Discrimination at School or University

The Tribunal is also able to hear Disability Discrimination Claims, but only when those claims are against Local Authority Maintained Schools, Academies and Independent Schools. Disability Discrimination claims relating to other organisations are heard by the County Court.

EHCN and IDP Assessments

EHCN and IDP Assessments

If your child or young person has special educational needs (England) or additional learning needs (Wales) and you consider that these need to be formally assessed by the local authority then contact me to assist you through the process and reduce the likelihood of needing to appeal any refusal to assess by the local authority.

EHCP Annual Review

EHCP Annual Review

Each local authority is legally required to conduct an Annual Review of a child, or young person's Education, Health, Care Plan (EHCP) every twelve months. EHCP Annual Reviews for children aged 5 years and under are completed every six months. This is an important opportunity to update your child or young person's EHCP to ensure that it accurately reflects your child, young person's needs.

EOTAS Package (Education Other Than at School)

EOTAS Package (Education Other Than at School)

For some children Home Tuition via an EOTAS package can be an alternative to attendance at school, or can form part of an overall education package which includes part-time attendance at school, and which is tailored to meet the needs of the individual child.