School Exclusions
All maintained schools are required to follow strict guidelines in relation to the exclusion of children. I have many years of experience dealing with issues related to unmet need in exclusion cases and also consider any potential disability discrimination issues that may be relevant to your child/young person's case.
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Help with School Exclusions
A fixed term exclusion can also be turned into a permanent exclusion within days of the initial decision to issue a fixed term exclusion, so it is advisable to obtain expert legal help quickly.
I have dealt with very many exclusions over the years and will be happy to assist you in relation to challenging any exclusion affecting your child or young person.
There are still many instances of schools illegally excluding children by coercing parents to remove their child from school early or to take them home each lunchtime.
A high number of children with special educational needs are excluded from schools each year and there may be instances where the exclusion may also be discriminatory.
If your child is at risk of being excluded, has been illegally excluded in the past, or has received either a Fixed-Term exclusion or a Permanent exclusion then it is important to seek expert legal advice.
It may be possible to deal with an exclusion early in the process by writing directly to the Head Teacher. However if matters are not resolved at this stage, then it may be necessary to appeal the exclusion with the Governing Body or ultimately the Independent Appeal Panel. Please click here for further information relating to exclusion appeals.
Exclusion Appeals
The Right to appeal an exclusion will depend upon a number of factors such as the type of exclusion. In relation to a Fixed Term exclusion it will depend upon the number of days the child has been excluded within a certain timeframe. It is always best to seek professional legal advice early on as often matters can escalate within a fairly short timeframe.
The Head Teacher of the school can amend the exclusion after further investigation. Often a child is put on a fixed term exclusion for a short period of time whilst further investigations take place. Early advice can sometimes remedy matters quickly and avoid the need to appeal to the Governing Body or Independent Appeal Panel (dependent upon relevant factors).
I have dealt with a high level of Fixed Term and Permanent Exclusions over an extended period of time and will be happy to assist you if your child has been excluded from school. Click here for further information about exclusion appeals.
A highly professional & personalised service at an affordable price
We pride ourselves on providing clear information about our costs to our clients, and offer a range of fixed price services, tailored to meet your individual needs.
Tribunal Contract 'A'
Appeal the refusal to undertake an EHCNA / issue an IDP
First Tier Tribunal Appeals
Education Tribunal Wales Appeals
Appeal the refusal to issue an EHCP.
Up to 5 hours
School Admissions
Fixed-Term & Permanent Exclusions
Bullying at School
EHCP / IDP Health Check
Tribunal Contract 'B'
Appeal against contents of an EHCP – Sections B, F, & I
Including extended appeals against Health and Social Care
Disability Discrimination Appeals
Appeals against IDP (Wales)
Transparent, open pricing
All tiers include 15 mins free advice to ascertain your best option and kick-start you toward a successful outcome.
Intermediate Contract
Providing legal advice for Annual Reviews, assisting with parental representations, preparing and revising EHCPs/IDPs, and representing clients through virtual meetings and phone calls.
What's included
10 hours of advice, with reasonable overrun.
Legal advice in relation to Annual Reviews.
Parental Representations and preparation and re-writing of EHCP/IDP.
Representation via virtual meetings & phone calls.