Tribunal Appeals
Sometimes it is not possible to reach an agreement with your Local Education Authority (LEA) regarding your child's special educational needs (England) or additional learning needs (Wales). If you need expert help then contact me NOW to discuss how I can assist you with your appeal.
also tagged as
Help with EHCP Appeal
If you are contemplating appealing then it is imperative to obtain expert legal advice to ensure that you have the best chance of securing the appropriate special educational needs (England) or additional learning needs (Wales) provision for your child. There are strict timescales within which you must appeal and the new tribunal regulations which came into effect in England in November 2008 and in Wales in September 2021, have made the process of appealing more complex and legalistic for parents. Many LEAs are routinely instructing Barristers to represent them at tribunal and therefore specialist legal advice is now more important than ever.
A highly professional & personalised service at an affordable price
We pride ourselves on providing clear information about our costs to our clients, and offer a range of fixed price services, tailored to meet your individual needs.
Tribunal Contract 'A'
Appeal the refusal to undertake an EHCNA / issue an IDP
First Tier Tribunal Appeals
Education Tribunal Wales Appeals
Appeal the refusal to issue an EHCP.
Up to 5 hours
School Admissions
Fixed-Term & Permanent Exclusions
Bullying at School
EHCP / IDP Health Check
Tribunal Contract 'B'
Appeal against contents of an EHCP – Sections B, F, & I
Including extended appeals against Health and Social Care
Disability Discrimination Appeals
Appeals against IDP (Wales)
Transparent, open pricing
All tiers include 15 mins free advice to ascertain your best option and kick-start you toward a successful outcome.
Intermediate Contract
Providing legal advice for Annual Reviews, assisting with parental representations, preparing and revising EHCPs/IDPs, and representing clients through virtual meetings and phone calls.
What's included
10 hours of advice, with reasonable overrun.
Legal advice in relation to Annual Reviews.
Parental Representations and preparation and re-writing of EHCP/IDP.
Representation via virtual meetings & phone calls.