IDP Annual Review
Each local authority is legally required to conduct an IDP Annual Review of a child, or young person's Individual Development Plan (IDP) every twelve months. Annual Reviews for children aged 5 years and under are completed every six months.
Making a Complaint
If you are not happy with the manner in which your School or Local Authority has acted in relation to their policies or procedures, or any decisions that they have taken, then you are able to make a formal complaint. All schools are required to have a complaints policy and you are entitled to receive a copy of the policy upon request.
Ombudsman Appeals
If you have a complaint against a public body and consider that they are guilty of 'maladministration' (i.e. they have failed to follow policies or procedures) then you may wish to make a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO).
School Admission Appeals
I can advise and assist you with all aspects of an appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. This will include initial consultation, drafting your Grounds of Appeal, advising on the legality of your chosen school’s admissions code, advising you on any supporting documents or evidence you may have and arranging to come along with you to the Hearing.
School Attendance Orders
School Attendance Orders are issued to parents of children who are outside the school system when the local authority has reason to believe that children are not receiving a suitable education. The School Attendance Order will name the school the child must attend, and will direct the parents to register the child at the named school. The relevant legislation comes from section 437 to section 444 of the Education Act 1996.
School Exclusions
A Head Teacher is lawfully entitled to exclude children from school in certain circumstances. An exclusion can be for a fixed period of time or can be permanent. All maintained schools are required to follow strict guidelines in relation to the exclusion of children. The system is different in independent schools. Sometimes a Managed Move is suggested to parents as an alternative to a permanent exclusion. It is important to obtain expert legal advice to ensure that you can support your child/young person effectively through this process.